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Everyone loves a good story.

GIF including an illustration of a profile face with plants for brains, a woman on a pink background, an illustration of a woman reading and two people smiling at a conference

The best ones can be a powerful part of making change happen.

We’re committed to creating a world without fear of tomorrow and work with organisations & individuals to:


Ignite positive change by surfacing breakthrough ideas


Connect people through crafted visuals & thoughtful words


Amplify impact through strategic action  


Who we work with

We collaborate with clients whose values reflect our own and extend beyond profit. This includes charities, non-profit organisations, social enterprises, government, and purpose-led businesses.

Who we are

At Friendhood, we’re lean and collaborative to keep a clear focus on quality. We tailor our teams to your project from our industry-leading network of creatives, researchers and strategists.

How we do it

Everything means something.
We’re purpose-driven - all design decisions we make are intentional and serve your strategic aims. By understanding the context and complexities of every project through workshops and research, we can create what you really need.
Design is for everyone.
When it comes to addressing the world’s most complex problems, we know we can't do it alone. By considering human and planetary needs at every step of the process, we build design solutions that matter.
Made together.
By leading with collaboration, we cultivate excitement, engagement and impact. We work in partnership with your team and stakeholders to deliver regenerative solutions, assets and insights to the most complex challenges. 
Radically Simple.
Understanding something is the first step towards transforming it. We’re experts at creating stand-out messages, simplifying language and finding resonant ways to tell your story so it connects.

Work with us

Let's make good things happen together.

Friendhood — a creative consultancy for people thinking about tomorrow.

2024 Friendhood Ltd. All rights reserved.

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